Rename this file to root_fs ( this is the default root file system file in the configuration). 将这个文件重命名为rootfs(这是配置中默认的根文件系统文件)。
It is also easy to overlook the side effects of Project Zero's default file serving, which serves/ foo/ index. html ( if it exists) when/ foo/ is accessed. 另外,ProjectZero默认文件服务的副作用也很可能会被忽略,当/foo/被访问时,它服务于/foo/index.html(如果它存在话)。
Your default file may vary in some details, but the key points should be similar. 您的默认文件在一些细节方面可能有所不同,但关键点上应该与此类似。
The article also explains how to override the default file creation location. 这篇文章也说明了如何覆盖默认的文件创建位置。
The default file locations are all in the same directory: profiles/ properties. 默认文件位置都位于同一个目录中:profiles/properties。
The default file registry should be configured. 应该配置缺省文件注册中心。
Improved support for configurable default file types when creating new documents 增强对创建新文档时可配置的默认文件类型的支持
This template should use the default File Cabinet template ( filecab. ntf) as its template. 该模板应该使用默认的文件柜模板(filecab.ntf)作为模板。
By default only file cache pages are loaned. 在默认情况下,只借出文件缓存页面。
How do I mount all default file systems ( all standard file systems in the/ etc/ filesystems file marked by the mount= true attribute)? 如何挂载所有默认文件系统(/etc/filesystems文件中标有mount=true属性的所有标准文件系统)?
The transformation assigns default file names ( specified in the UML model) to the files and folders. 转换会对文件和文件夹分配默认的文件名(在UML模型中指定)。
I took a simple customer billing process, added some bad SQL, and added a default ONCONFIG file with a couple of bad configuration options. 我选择了一个简单的客户账单过程,增加了一些糟糕的SQL,增加了一个默认的ONCONFIG文件,其中有几个糟糕的配置选项。
You can customize the default configuration file path if required. 可以根据需要自定义缺省配置文件路径。
We accept the default file name," Services", ensure that the destination folder is set to the root directory of our project, and press "Finish". 接受默认文件名“Services”,确保目标文件夹设置为项目的root目录,随后按下“Finish”。
The default file name extension. If the user types in a file name, this extension is added at the end of the file name if one isn't specified. 默认的文件扩展名。当用户键入文件名时,如果未指定扩展名,将在文件名后添加此扩展名。
Convert the file to the default file format specified on the Advanced tab of the Options dialog box. 将文件转换为选项对话框,高级选项卡中指定的默认文件格式。
Microsoft claims that the structure of storage will be a future Windows is the default file format. 微软公司声称结构化存储将是未来Windows的缺省文件格式。MS-Office就已经大量的使用了结构化存储。
Define variables for the default file and directory permissions we will need to assign to files and directories which don't yet exist on the remote server. 定义变量用于设定当远程服务器不存在的时候我们需要设定的文件和目录的默认权限。
Otherwise, a default output file name will be used. 否则,将使用默认的输出文件名。
Gets the description for the default file list filter provided by this editor. 获取该编辑器所提供的默认文件列表筛选器的说明。
Under legacy formats, click prompt when loading files with legacy or non default file format. 在“旧式格式”下,单击“加载旧式或非默认文件格式的文件时提示”。
Can not change the name of the default file group, drop the default file group, or set it to readonly. 不能更改默认文件组的名称、除去默认文件组或将它设置为readonly。
Error occurred in updating default file location. 更新默认文件位置时出错。
Unable to restore some default file associations. 无法恢复某些默认文件关联。
To change the layout, you need to modify or replace the default XSL file. 若要更改布局,必须修改或替换默认的xsl文件。
In the absence of the extension, the software appends the platform-specific default file extension for libraries. 在没有扩展名的情况下,该软件附加平台特定的缺省库文件扩展名。
Why have the default file formats changed? 为什么更改了默认的文件格式?
The file list is initially filtered by the default file name extensions for the editor. 文件列表最初是按此编辑器的默认文件扩展名筛选的。
Under save documents, next to the default file location box, click browse. 在“保存文档”下的“默认文件位置”框的旁边,单击“浏览”。
After you click the project into which you want to generate the dataset code, the dataset file property is populated with a default file name. 单击要在其中生成数据集代码的项目后,“数据集文件”属性将填充默认文件名。